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Emotional Intelligence skills for highly successful salespeople

12 August 2016

Team GB are bring in the medals and we are climbing up the league table. Come on Team GB!

If they had a discipline for sales in the Olympics would you or your sales team win a Gold medal?

A high percentage of successful people demonstrate skills in Emotional Intelligence. According to Wikipedia Emotional Intelligence is the ability to manage your own emotions and be able to understand the emotions of others. 

Do you or your sales team possess any of the following traits?

  1. Confident and aware of capabilities and strengths 
  2. Willing, ready and committed to constantly improve regardless of current success, experience or skills
  3. Set regular challenges & goals. Always seek to beat peers and improve a personal best (PB)

When you set yourself small and regular challenges this stimulates the part of the brain responsible for reward and recognition. When this is stimulated this enhances self confidence which leads to a willingness to take on more challenges and goals. Sales people high in Emotional Intelligence will welcome new challenges, those low in EI will fear challenges and change.

(This article is provided by Solutions2Success and Mindset Matters)

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